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Why it is important to lower the registration time on casino websites?

There are already many written articles about client retention or churn rate statistics. Everyone already knows how to make a great and successful business, but unfortunately, is still searching for answers every day. 1ClickGames has decided to improve the existing solutions, so this article will discuss the problem of player’s outflow during the registration on the casino website.

It's all about the registration

It is a fact, that nobody likes the long-registrations and most of the players cancel halfway through the process. Why does that happen? Because it does not matter, what bonus will be received by the new player if he sees a long registration form and especially the information that he has not used for a long time and the desire to continue fades away. If someone thinks that collecting all data at the first step will help to keep the player, then it is completely wrong.

How to improve the registration form?

1ClickGames has a great solution, that will suit any casino website and immediately brings results. 1ClickGames made a new registration form, which can be completed in 30 seconds. The form is optimized for mobile devices, so the registration will not take longer than a half minute and will not depend on the device. The new form requires only a little data: the player’s email and phone number,therefore, the profile data will be autocompleted based on geo-location. There is also an opportunity to switch the fast registration form for specified jurisdictions.

How this form will affect players?

According to the results, a fast registration form showed a stable increase of conversion to registration, which means that players providing less data and being able to start the game faster is a more effective process. It also increases the customer involvement in casino promotions, because they are easy to access and the customer does not feel any pressure to provide a full range of personal data.


If you are thinking about transforming your casino website user’s conversion into real registrations and to bring your customer relationships to a whole new level, then feel free to request a quote and discuss more offers that 1ClickGames can bring into your business.
